
The Faculty of Composition, Conducting, Theory of Music and Music Therapy is in the elite 5% of academic and research institutions in Poland distinguished with the A+ category among almost a thousand institutions which in 2017 underwent a comprehensive evaluation of their academic and research and development activities. Furthermore, the Faculty received the highest score among all music faculties. The Faculty of Composition, Conducting, Theory of Music and Music Therapy provides comprehensive and up-to-date education to future professional music artists, preparing them for independent artistic careers, research work, and additionally, after the completion of the Teacher Training College, to work as teachers.

The main educational outcome of the composition specialty is a multifaceted development of young musicians, shaping their artistic personality and guiding their interests. This is achieved through mastering modern conducting skills. Graduates of the composition specialty demonstrate a good level of these skills, which enables them to embark on independent creative work (first-cycle studies) and provides them with in-depth knowledge required to develop their own stylistic idiom (second-cycle studies). Students of Composition have an opportunity to perform electroacoustic and computer-based pieces produced at the professionally equipped Computer Composition Studio. They are also familiarised with the subject matter of theatre and film compositions.

Certyfikat MusiQuE