The Academy of Music in Wrocław is a major academic and research centre. Research at the Academy is managed by departments and institutes employing academic teachers of various specialties. The Academy holds regular conferences, sessions, symposia and seminars organised by its respective departments and institutes. The Academy is a centre of research on various aspects of the Silesian music culture from the historical and contemporary perspectives (a series of conferences: Traditions of the Silesian music culture) and the life and works of Karol Lipiński (the series entitled Karol Lipiński – Life, Activity, an Era). It also conducts research focussing on the theory of music (a series of conferences entitled Musical analysis Historia - theoria - praxis), a series of conferences on ear training, music therapy, music pedagogy and vocal music performance (i.a. Oratorio and cantata music in the aspect of performance practice) as well as instrumental music performance (i.a.: The technique of playing wind instruments). Conference materials are published in the periodical Zeszyty Naukowe and in numerous monographic publications.


The Karol Lipiński Academy of Music is a cultural center in Lower Silesia as well as an active participant in cultural life of the city and the region. A number of artistic initiatives are carried out in cooperation with foreign and domestic higher education institutions, culture institutions and international festivals (the National Forum of Music in Wrocław, the Wrocław Opera House, different international festivals such as Wratislavia Cantans Festival, Warsaw Autumn Festival, or Santander Jazz Music Festival Jazz on the Odra.

Each year the Academy holds 400 hundred events, including symphonic and chamber concerts,  choir concerts, jazz concerts, church music concerts, opera performances and other stage performances, concerts presenting the works of young composers and programmes promoting music among children and youth. The Academy regularly organises national and international music festivals and competitions, including the European Saxophone Forum, CLARIMANIA International Clarinet Festival, International Carl Maria von Weber Bassoon Competition, International Choir Conducting Competition TOWARDS POLIPHONY and the "mYear" Musical Imagination Festival. The school also runs concert series, e.g. Music of Europe, Composers’ Concerts, The Graduates’ Stage and Graduands' Concerts. The Academy's major artistic groups are: the Academic Symphonic Orchestra, the Academic Chamber Orchestra, the Avant-garde Sound Factory Orchestra, the Academic Brass Band, the Academic Baroque Orchestra, the Academic Feichtinum Choir, the Stanisław Krukowski Choir, the Senza Rigore Chamber Choir and the Big Band.

Students are actively involved in various music projects, participating in the performances of great vocal and instrumental pieces, in workshops, courses, and national and international competitions. There are also numerous chamber music ensembles at the Academy organised by students as part of their artistic and self-management activity. The achievements of the Academy are reflected in the successes of its students and graduates, who have won numerous awards in acclaimed music competitions in the country and abroad. Among the schools’ world-famous alumni are a soprano Aleksandra Kurzak, a composer and soprano Agata Zubel, and a conductor Marzena Diakun.

Recently, the Academy has started co-operation with Georgia, Estonia and Ukraine within the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange programmes (so called: ’NAWA Programmes’). In June 2019  the Academy organised The China-Europe International Culture and Arts Festival with 150 participants from China.

Certyfikat MusiQuE