dr hab. Robert Kurdybacha

Robert Kurdybacha is a composer, conductor, arranger and teacher. He is award winner of more than 10 music competitions (for composers and performers) as well as body of work performed in Poland and abroad.
He is a scholar of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and ZAiKS. He was awarded many times with the Rector of the Academy of Music in Wrocław.
For many years he has been organizing events promoting new music and its creators. He is the artistic and organizational director of the International Sound Factory, in cooperation with the Folkwang Universität in Essen and the Karl Maria von Weber Hochschule für Musik in Dresden. Since 2016, together with prof. Stanisław Krupowicz, he co-creates and coordinates the electroacoustic and computer music festival Sine scientia ars nihil est.
He also cooperates with the Game Music Festival and participates in creating the artistic sphere of the festival. He is well-though-of as an orchestrator and conductor. For many years he broke in the field of instrumentation for school teams at the Center for Education of Artistic Education Teachers.
He is the founder and artistic director of the Sound Factory Orchestra, an ensemble specializing in broadly understood new music. Within many years he has conducted concerts in Poland and abroad and has realized a number of recording sessions.
Apart from artistic activity, he also engaged in the issues of entrepreneurship, innovative methods of teamwork and talent management. From 2018, he is a member of the Council of The Lower Silesian Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship in The Wrocław Technology Park, and from 2019, a lecturer in the field of innovative management methods at the Postgraduate Studies in Management of Cultural Institutions at the University of Economics in Wrocław.
In his teaching activities, he focuses on composition education and prepares conductors and performers on the field of effective teamwork, performing new music and working in a modern technological environment.