Instrumental Studies

The Instrumental Faculty provides instruction in instrumental performance with classical, early and jazz music. Studies at the Instrumental Faculty enable students to extensively improve their music skills and provide them with numerous opportunities to present these skills to the audience. The core instruction is based on playing lessons, chamber ensembles and orchestra studies for students playing orchestral instruments. The educational process, in the case of instrument playing, is supplemented with a number of theoretical subjects providing comprehensive music education. The module covers ear training, musical piece analysis, main-subject literature, history of music with literature, and is complemented with humanities subjects, including history of philosophy and history of art. The curriculum of the respective specialties is extended with specialist exact-science subjects, such as harmony, counterpoint, organ studies and improvisation for organists, playing basso continuo for harpsichord players, and accompaniment for piano players. Teacher training is provided through classes in psychology, pedagogy, instrument playing teaching methodology and practical training at lower-level music schools. Students receiving education in orchestra instrument playing can complete their practical training in the Academic Chamber Orchestra and the Academic Symphonic Orchestra. This is a way for them to gather valuable experience, which in the future will enable them to become highly qualified orchestral musicians. All students must attend associated lectures and foreign language classes. The students also receive credits for subjects from the optional module. The Instrumental Faculty carries out extensive artistic activities, including numerous series of concerts organised at the Academy and on other stages in Wrocław, as well as in other cities in Poland and abroad. These include regularly held recitals by students and teachers, concerts by instrumental classes and the respective departments, chamber and symphonic concerts, and presentations of vocal-and-instrumental pieces in collaboration with the Vocal Faculty.