Academic Wrocław plays for WOŚP for the fifth time!
Academic Wrocław plays for WOŚP for the fifth time!
Wroclaw Academic Center, Academy of Young Scientists and Artists and Wroclaw universities and colleges play together and invite you to participate in unique auctions for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! You can bid on events, items, workshops, meetings - which allow you to get to know Wroclaw universities and the fascinating world of science “from behind the scenes”! Thanks to the great commitment of all organizers, Academic Wroclaw offers a record number of auctions in this edition - as many as 30!
The auctions will include a glider flight, group training at the AWL Command Competence Formation Center, Wingardium Leviosa - a workshop for a young chemist, or shooting training with Renata Mauer-Różanska.
And these are just a few of the auctions from this unique pool donated by AMUiA and the universities of Wroclaw!
The support from our University could not be missed! Below are the auctions of educators who have decided to support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity by taking part in this unusual auction:
We encourage you to bid for a private concert or a master piano lesson offered by Dr. Tomasz Marut. There is also a unique opportunity to briefly become a conductor at a rehearsal of the AMKL Brass Band under the watchful eye of Dr. Piotr Bugaj, or take advantage of an Individual Guitar Lesson with mgr. Maciej Mazurek.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rest of the auctions HERE
All proceeds will go to the account of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.